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Toei Reveals Niji-Iro Hotaru Feature Anime Film (Update 3)

posted on by Egan Loo
Summer vacation story co-produced by Masayuki Kawaguchi, AlphaPolis

The Toei Animation booth at this week's Tokyo International Anime Fair 2009 has revealed that the anime studio is working on a feature-length anime film called Niji-Iro Hotaru ~Eien no Natsu Yasumi~ (Rainbow-Colored Fireflies: The Eternal Summer Vacation. The tagline for the project is: "Another summer vacation begins."

Source: Japanimate.com

Update: Moon Phase Comments reports that Masayuki Kawaguchi and AlphaPolis co-produced the project with Toei Animation.

Update 2: Masayuki Kawaguchi wrote the original novel in 2007. The story revolves around a sixth-grade boy named Yūta on his summer vacation. His father passed away one year ago in a traffic accident, and Yūta now goes alone to visit a place where he and his father once shared memories. The two had gone often to an unused dam deep in the mountains to collect the rhinoceros beetles nearby. Yūta suddenly receives a shock in a thunderstorm, loses his footing, and gets knocked out. When he wakes up, he see a small girl and a village — except this village is the one that should be submerged below the dam. Yūta realizes that he slipped back time to over thirty years ago, before the dam was completed. Another summer vacation, and another chance for Yūta to reclaim what cannot be reclaimed, begins.

Update 3: Image of booth display added

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