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Hikaru no Go (TV)

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Alternative title:
Hikaru's Go
ヒカルの碁 (Japanese)
棋靈王 (Chinese (Taiwan))
고스트 바둑왕 (Korean)
Themes: games, school, sports
Objectionable content: None
Plot Summary: Hikaru Shindo is just a normal 12 year old boy, but one day he's rumaging through his Grandfather's things to see if he can find something to sell and pulls out an old Go board. A ghostly apparation appears out of the board and tells Hikaru his sad story. His name is Sai Fujiwara, a man who was a Go instructor to the emperor of Japan a thousand years ago. However, because of bad sportsmanship of his opponent during a game, Sai was accused of cheating and banished from the city. With no livelihood or any other reason to live, Sai commited suicide by drowning himself. Now, he haunts a Go board, and wants to accomplish the perfect Go game, called the "Hand of God" which he hopes to do through Hikaru. If Hikaru will be able to do it or not (or even wants to) will have to be seen.
User Ratings: 1788 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 385 votes (sub:351, dub:23, raw:5, ?:1, others:5
1 Russian subtitled
1 French subtitled
1 Spanish subtitled
1 Tagalog dubbed
1 Chinese mandarin subtitled
 Excellent: 479 votes (sub:420, dub:37, raw:5, edit.dub:1, ?:1, others:15
5 Russian subtitled
5 Spanish subtitled
2 French subtitled
1 Mandarin dubbed
1 Portuguese subtitled
1 Tagalog dubbed
 Very good: 449 votes (sub:388, dub:39, raw:3, edit.dub:1, ?:1, others:17
5 Russian subtitled
4 Portuguese subtitled
2 Spanish subtitled
2 German subtitled
2 French subtitled
1 Indonesian dubbed
1 Tagalog dubbed
 Good: 253 votes (sub:200, dub:40, raw:5, ?:2, edit.dub:1, others:5
2 French subtitled
1 German subtitled
1 Spanish subtitled
1 Indonesian dubbed
 Decent: 108 votes (sub:83, dub:18, ?:2, raw:1, others:4
1 Russian dubbed
1 Portuguese subtitled
1 Russian subtitled
1 French subtitled
 So-so: 57 votes (sub:46, dub:10, raw:1)
 Not really good: 17 votes (sub:14, dub:3)
 Weak: 20 votes (sub:12, dub:4, ?:1, edit.dub:1, others:2
1 Korean subtitled
1 Tagalog dubbed
 Bad: 8 votes (sub:6, dub:1, edit.dub:1)
 Awful: 2 votes (dub:1, sub:1)
 Worst ever: 10 votes (sub:10)
Seen in part or in whole by 3811 users, rank: #252 (of 9899)
Median rating: Very good
Arithmetic mean: 8.167 (Very good+), std. dev.: 1.6664, rank: #413 (of 10044)
Weighted mean: 8.097 (Very good), rank: #442 (of 10044) (seen all: 8.41 / seen some: 7.17 / won't finish: 5.20)
Bayesian estimate: 8.092 (Very good), rank: #294 (of 7605)
Running time: 23 minutes per episode
Number of episodes: 75
Episode titles: We have 75
2001-10-10 to 2003-03-26
2006-05-02 (USA - ImaginAsian TV)
Opening Theme:
#1: "Get Over" by dream (eps 1-30)
#2: "I'll Be the One" by HAL (eps 31-60)
#3: "Fantasy" by Nana Katase (eps 61-75)
Ending Theme:
#1: "Bokura no Bouken" by Kids Alive (eps 1-12)
#2: "Hitomi no Chikara" by Mizuki Arisa (eps 13-30)
#3: "Sincerely ~ever dream~" by dream (eps 31-46)
#4: "Days" by shela (eps 47-63)
#5: "Music is My Thing" by Dream (eps 64-74)
#6: "Get Over ~Special Mix~" by dream (ep 75)
Official website:
棋靈王HIKARU NO GO (Chinese (Taiwan))
ヒカルの碁 (Japanese)
Links: We have 7
Trivia: We have 5
Hikaru no Go DVD 1 (Dec 16, 2005)
News: Show:
Japan's Favorite TV Anime (Oct 12, 2006)
TV Asahi Top 100 Anime (Sep 23, 2005)
Animage Awards (May 12, 2004)
New Anime in Japan (Nov 30, 2003)
Top Anime in Japan (Jun 11, 2002)
Top Anime in Japan (Dec 17, 2001)
Other articles: Show:
Hey, Answerman! (Mar 5, 2010)
Hey, Answerman! (Apr 24, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (Aug 22, 2008)
Hey, Answerman! (Apr 11, 2008)
Hey, Answerman! (Feb 8, 2008)
Hey, Santaman! (Dec 8, 2006)
Hey, Answerman! (Sep 29, 2006)
Shelf Life - Recycled Air (Feb 24, 2005)
2003 April Fools Jokes (Apr 1, 2003)
KUROSUFAIYAH! (Feb 11, 2003)
Answerman: NeoHippie (Jun 28, 2002)
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DVD (Region 1)
    Hikaru No Go - The Go Master's Descent (DVD 1) 2005-12-27 (from $7.46)
    Hikaru no Go - The Go Club's Stratagem (DVD 2) 2006-03-28 (from $7.71)
    Hikaru no Go - The Third Player (DVD 3) 2006-06-27 (from $19.19)
    Hikaru no Go - The Ghost in the Net (DVD 4) 2006-09-26 (from $5.98)
    Hikaru no Go - A Rvial in the Shadows (DVD 5) 2006-11-29 (from $64.99)
    Hikaru no Go - Among Champions (DVD 6) 2007-01-30 (from $16.61)
    Hikaru no Go - The Young Lions Tournament (DVD 7) 2007-03-27 (from $7.98)
    Hikaru no Go - The Awful Opponent (DVD 8) 2007-05-29 (from $8.47)
    Hikaru no Go - Only One Can Win (DVD 9) 2007-07-31
    Hikaru no Go - The Pro Exam Begins (DVD 10) 2007-09-25 (from $17.61)
    Hikaru no Go - Hikaru vs. Ochi (DVD 11) 2007-11-27
    Hikaru no Go - The World of the Pros (DVD 12) delayed/cancelled

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Jun Kamiya (eps 16-58)
Kei Imabayashi (Yukari Umezawa's Go Go Igo segments)
Susumu Nishizawa (eps 1-15)
Tetsuya Endō (eps 58-75)
Series Composition: Yukiyoshi Ōhashi
Atsuhiro Tomioka (24 episodes
eps 4, 7, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35-36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 52, 54, 57-58, 62, 66, 70, 73

Michiko Yokote (21 episodes
eps 6, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 28, 31, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 51, 56, 60, 64-65, 69, 72, 75.5

Tetsuya Endō (ep 75.5)
Yukiyoshi Ōhashi (31 episodes
eps 1-3, 5, 8-9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24-25, 27, 30, 33, 37, 40, 43, 46, 49-50, 53, 55, 59, 61, 63, 67-68, 71, 74-75

Akihiro Enomoto (ep 8)
Atsuhiro Tomioka
Hideki Tonokatsu (6 episodes
eps 17, 25, 29, 47, 58, 69

Hon Shimazu (eps 4, 10, 15)
Jun Kamiya (4 episodes
eps 16, 19, 28, 61

Minoru Ōhara (ep 5)
Noriyuki Abe (OP 1)
Setsuo Takase (eps 33, 42)
Susumu Nishizawa (6 episodes
eps 1-3, 6, 11, 15

Takahiro Ōmori (ep 32)
Tetsuya Endō (OP 3; 18 episodes
eps 16-24 even, 27, 30, 36, 41, 43, 48-54 even, 60, 66, 74-75

Tomokazu Tokoro (eps 9, 13, 21)
Yukiyoshi Ōhashi
Episode Director:
Hideki Tonokatsu (5 episodes
eps 17, 25, 47, 58, 69

Hiroshi Kuruo (ep 38)
Jun Kamiya (ep 61)
Junya Koshiba (eps 2, 6)
Katsuyoshi Yatabe (6 episodes
eps 21, 29, 37, 53, 63, 73

Kunitoshi Okajima (eps 31, 46, 56)
Masakatsu Iijima (ep 11)
Saeko Aoki (ep 8)
Setsuo Takase (5 episodes
eps 5, 9, 13, 33, 42

Shin'ichi Masaki (6 episodes
eps 35, 40, 45, 49, 55, 62

Takaharu Ōkuma (ep 67)
Takuya Nonaka (ep 44)
Tetsuya Endō (22 episodes
eps 16-24 even, 27-28, 30-36 even, 39, 41, 43, 48-54 even, 60, 66, 74-75

Toshiya Niidome (eps 59, 71)
Yuichiro Miyake (eps 65, 72)
Yuji Sekimoto (ep 10)
Yuki Hayashi (4 episodes
eps 3, 7, 12, 15

Unit Director:
Noriyuki Abe (OP 1)
Tetsuya Endō (OP 3)
Music: Kei Wakakusa
Original Manga:
Takeshi Obata
Yumi Hotta
Character Design: Hideyuki Motohashi
Art Director: Sawako Takagi
Hiroshi Kuruo (eps 46, 56)
Ichimatsu Kikuchi (ep 31)
Itsurō Kawasaki (ep 40)
Katsuyoshi Yatabe (ep 73)
Sawako Kouboku (30 episodes
eps 1, 9, 12-13, 16, 19, 23-24, 26-27, 30-31, 34-35, 38-39, 42, 44, 47-48, 50, 53-54, 57-58, 60, 63-64, 67-68

Shigenori Takada
Shin'ichi Masaki (4 episodes
eps 45, 49, 55, 62

Takuya Nonaka (ep 44)
Toshiya Niidome (eps 39, 59, 71)
Yuji Sekimoto (ep 34)
Yuki Hayashi (eps 7, 12)
Animation Director:
Hideyuki Motohashi (5 episodes
eps 1, 3, 7, 12, 15

Kanami Sekiguchi (OP 2)
Minako Shiba (OP 3; 5 episodes
eps 20, 24, 31, 39, 52

Naoyuki Onda (ep 74)
Shinichi Miyamae (ep 5)
Takako Onishi (ep 4)
Yoshinori Tokiya (eps 2, 4)
Animation Character Design:
Kanami Sekiguchi
Miyuki Ueda
Sound Director: Hideo Takahashi
Director of Photography: Masahide Okino

Background Art:
Norihiko Yokomatsu (Studio Wyeth; ep 1)
Rieko Ohiwa (Studio Wyeth; ep 1)
Concept: Michiko Yokote (Yukari Umezawa's Go Go Igo segments)
Consultant: Yukari Umezawa
In-Between Animation:
Hideto Tanaka (Pierrot Animation Room; 37 episodes
eps 2-10 even, 11, 14, 16, 18-20, 22-24, 26-28, 31, 39-40, 45-46, 49-50, 52, 55, 57, 59-60, 62-70 even, 71, 74-75

Retsu Ohkawara (Pierrot Animation Room)
Rinako Nishihara (Pierrot Animation Room)
Shigeki Kawai (Pierrot Animation Room)
In-Between Check:
Kayano Tomizawa
Yaeko Kodama (eps 1-4, 6-8)
Music producer: Takayuki Nagasawa
Production: Noriaki Honma (Yukari Umezawa's Go Go Igo segments)
Program Manager: Tetsuya Watanabe
Program PR: Akako Kobayashi (TV Tokyo)
Sound Effects: Mutsuhiro Nishimura
Supervision: Jun Kamiya (eps 59-75)
Theme Song Arrangement: HAL (OP2/ED3)
Theme Song Composition: BOUNCEBACK (OP1, ED6)
Theme Song Performance:
Alisa Mizuki (ED2)
dream (OP1, ED3, ED5)
Kids Alive (ED1)
Nana Katase (OP3)
shela (ED4)
Sanae Kobayashi as Akira Touya
Susumu Chiba as
Sai Fujiwara
Tomoko Kawakami as Hikaru Shindou

Eizō Tsuda as Kouyou Touya
Keiji Fujiwara as Seiji Ogata
Kenichi Suzumura as Shinichirou Isumi
Makoto Tsumura as Kimihiro Tsutsui
Reiko Takagi as Yoshitaka Waya
Yōko Matsuoka as Kousuke Ochi
Yū Asakawa as Yuuki Mitani
Yumi Kakazu as Akari Fujisaki

Akeno Watanabe as
Boy (eps 1, 43)
Female Salesperson (ep 51)
Female Student (ep 54)
Girl (ep 4)
Insei (eps 22, 25)
Insei B (ep 26)
Kawahagi 2nd Board
Kumiko Tsuda
Match recorder (ep 70)
Professional Go Player (ep 28)
secretary (ep 66)
Student (eps 7-8, 13, 16)
Voice on TV (ep 2)
Akihiko Ishizumi as
Shosuke Kurimoto (ep 34)
Akimitsu Takase as
America's Representative
Attendant (ep 28)
Customer (eps 3, 62)
Go Player (ep 10)
Sasaki (eps 23, 25)
Student (ep 8)
Teacher (eps 13, 21)
Tournament Referee (eps 5-7)
Voice (ep 18)
Aruno Tahara as Shu-san
Asami Imai as Student
Atsuko Enomoto as Nase
Atsuko Yuya as Chieko Sakurano
Atsushi Ii as Ochi's Grandfather
Ayako Itō as Female Insei (ep 30)
Chafūrin as dealer
Chiaki Takahashi as student (ep 7)
Chinami Nishimura as young girl (ep 64)
Daisuke Kishio as Itou
Eiji Yanagisawa as
customer (ep 64)
Ishihara (ep 59)
Eriko Fujimaki as Zhao Shi
Eriko Kawasaki as Mitani's Sister
Hirofumi Tanaka as Kaioh 2nd Board (ep 6)
Hiroshi Naka as Heihachi Shindou
Hiroyuki Yoshino as Mashiba
Jun Fukushima as Student (eps 7-8)
Jun-ichi Kanemaru as American (eps 16, 54-56)
Junichi Endō as
Clerk (eps 62-63)
Customer (ep 58)
Staff (ep 60)
Katsuhiro Kitagawa as
Kaioh Jr. High School Principal (ep 6)
Katsuhisa Hōki as Bousei Namakura (ep 64)
Katsuyuki Konishi as Hiroyuki Ashiwara
Kazuaki Itō as Teacher Yun
Kenichi Ono as Kawai-san
Kenichi Sakaguchi as Yang Hai
Kenichi Suzumura as Kaioh 3rd Board (ep 6)
Kenji Hamada as Customer (eps 35-36)
Kentarō Itō as Tetsuo Kaga
Kōichi Tōchika as Kyuuseikai Male Pro (ep 65)
Kōji Yusa as
Emperor (eps 1, 50)
Go Player (eps 55-56)
Kim (ep 17)
Kyouhei Katagiri
Sawara 1st Board
Student (ep 8)
Kōsei Hirota as Gokiso (ep 51)
Kujira as Salesperson (ep 29)
Kumiko Watanabe as Hideki Isobe (ep 66)
Mami Horikoshi as
Housewife (eps 2, 19)
Teacher (eps 1, 50)
Masaaki Tsukada as Ooijer
Masato Amada as Student (ep 7)
Masayuki Nakata as
Baseball Team Member
Hagiwara 9-dan
Isumi's opponent (ep 65)
Reporter (ep 74)
Staff (ep 59)
Mayumi Asano as
Female Student (eps 15-17)
Kawahagi 1st Board
Miki Machii as
Shigeko Morishita
Uchida (ep 22)
Mitsuaki Hoshino as
Announcement (ep 40)
Bus Driver (ep 44)
Clerk (eps 20-21, 36)
customer (ep 66)
Doctor (ep 54)
Kume (ep 75)
Matsui sensei (ep 63)
Reporter (ep 74)
Salon Customer (ep 33)
Steering Committee (ep 51)
Sugawara no Akitada (eps 1, 50)
Teacher (eps 5, 13)
Witness (ep 48)
Mitsuo Iwata as Atsushi Kurata
Miyako Itō as Suyong Hong
Mizuki Saitō as
Aoki (ep 8)
Basketball Club Member (ep 7)
Clerk (7 episodes
eps 10, 23, 36, 39, 44-46

Commentator (ep 11)
Customer (9 episodes
eps 1, 15, 20, 35, 51, 58, 60, 62, 75

Foreigner (ep 17)
Go Player (eps 55-56)
Go Salon Customer (ep 32)
Hotel Guest (ep 29)
Middle-aged Pro (ep 25)
Nakayama (ep 28)
Reporter (ep 74)
Student (eps 13, 27)
Tsuchiya (ep 33)
Tsujioka 2-dan
Tsuzuki 7-dan
Naoki Bandō as
Murase 9-dan (ep 15)
Shinoda Insei Instructor (ep 63)
Steering Committee Chairman (eps 16-17)
Naomi Kusumi as
Li Lao Shi
Nobuyuki Hiyama as Shuuhei
Noriko Suzuki as Participant (ep 51)
Rei Sakuma as Akiko Touya
Reiko Takagi as Le Ping
Rie Ishizuka as
Kawahagi 3rd Board
Tetsuo Kaga (young)
Rokurō Naya as Honinbou Kuwabara
Ryūji Mizuno as
Holland's Representative
Kaga's Father
Yanagi-san (eps 35-36)
Satsuki Yukino as
Boy (eps 28, 43)
Harumi Ichikawa
Ichikawa san
student (ep 9)
Sawa Ishige as Insei (ep 24)
Shouto Kashii as
Chinese Pro (ep 67)
Customer (eps 58, 60)
Director (ep 20)
Jinryuji (ep 32)
Niimi (ep 33)
Sakamaki (ep 70)
Tsusaka (ep 59)
Susumu Chiba as Hikaru's Father
Takahiro Mizushima as Chinese Pro (ep 67)
Takahiro Sakurai as
Toshinori Honda
Takako Honda as Hidaka
Takao Ishii as
Isumi's Dad
Takashi Nagasako as
Customer (eps 35-36)
Takayasu Usui as Customer (ep 35)
Takayuki Yamaguchi as
Chinese Pro (ep 67)
Kuno (eps 14, 19)
Ryo Iijima
Takuo Kawamura as
Attendant (eps 17, 53)
Baseball Team member (ep 64)
Chinese Pro (ep 67)
Customer (7 episodes
eps 1, 11, 15, 20, 33, 36, 47

Executive Committee B (ep 34)
Go Player (eps 55-56)
Insei (ep 31)
Kawasaki (ep 75)
Kazuo Morishita
Man (ep 3)
Manager (ep 52)
Opponent (ep 16)
Participant (ep 51)
Pro (ep 65)
Reporter (eps 35, 74)
Salesperson (ep 58)
Sawara 2nd Board
Student (ep 8)
Tajima (ep 28)
Toshiki Adachi
Voice (ep 18)
Tomo Shigematsu as
children (ep 66)
Hitoshi Koike
Insei (ep 22)
Nurse (ep 56)
Student (eps 15-17, 54)
Takada (eps 5-6)
Waya's Mother
Tomomichi Nishimura as Toshio Tsubaki
Tomoya Kawai as
Customer (4 episodes
eps 33, 35, 47, 62

Eiji Komiya
Examinee (eps 31, 36)
Foreign Student (ep 38)
Go Player (eps 55-56, 59)
Insei A (ep 26)
Kitajima (ep 75)
Kurimoto's Secretary (ep 34)
Participant (ep 51)
Student (ep 7)
Toshiaki Kuwahara as
Announcer (ep 11)
Chinese Pro (ep 67)
Customer (6 episodes
eps 1, 10, 15, 33, 51, 62

Executive Committee A (ep 34)
Go Salon Customer (ep 32)
Insei (ep 22)
Iwana 1st Board (ep 13)
Lee Rinshin
Murakami 2-dan (ep 71)
Photographer (eps 23, 28)
Reporter (ep 70)
Student (ep 7)
Teacher (ep 27)
Voice on TV (ep 2)
Toshitaka Shimizu as
Basketball Club Member (ep 7)
Customer (eps 1, 11)
Examinee (eps 16, 37)
Kouji Saeki 4-dan
Man (ep 3)
Photographer (ep 49)
Pro (ep 65)
Shimano (eps 17, 53)
Student (eps 8, 13)
Wasabi Mizuta as Yuuta Fukui
Yayoi Nakazawa as
Igo Salon Owner's Wife (ep 68)
Morishita's Wife
Yōji Ueda as
Foreign Student (ep 38)
Pro Player
Yoshito Ishinami as
Customer (ep 51)
Igo Salon Owner (ep 68)
Yoshiyuki Kaneko as
Company president (ep 66)
Priest (ep 61)
Reporter (ep 74)
Yukie Maeda as Woman
Yukiji as Masako Kanako
Yurika Hino as Hikaru's mother
Yuuno Nakada as Baseball Team member (ep 64)

Kujira (ep 29)
Japanese companies
Animation Production:
M.S.C (OP 2)
Backgrounds: Studio Wyeth
Digital Paint:
Buyuu (ep 72)
Studio Gimlet (ep 72)
Editing: Jay Film
Key Animation:
Anime R (eps 63, 73)
Anime World Osaka (ep 63)
Moon Seong Animation (eps 58, 63)
Nakamura Production (ep 72)
NARA Animation (eps 66, 70, 75)
Studio Gimlet (ep 73)
Studio Mark (eps 65, 72)
Studio Z5 (5 episodes
eps 1, 3, 7, 12, 15

Photography: T. Nishimura
Dentsu Inc.
J-Force (Yukari Umezawa's Go Go Igo segments)
TV Tokyo
Production Cooperation:
Group TAC
NARA Animation
Sound Effects: Fizz Sound Creation
Sound Production:
Dream Force 
Jinnan Studio
English staff
English cast
Executive producer:
Hidemi Fukuhara
John Easum
Producer: Diana Gage

Go Consultant: Janice Kim
Production Associate: Jason Bergenfeld
Production Coordination: Nick Mann
Production manager: Miho Suzuki
Re-Recording Mixing:
Keith A. Goddard
Timur Kalyuzhnyy
Recording engineer: Ryan Olszewski
Script Editing:
Diana Gage
Kyle Johnson
Senior Production Coordinator: Geoffrey A. Rosen
Video Post-Production:
Elisa Chee
Michael Hey
Sean McConkey
Voice Direction: Rob Bakewell
Brad Swaile as Sai
Samuel Vincent as Hikaru
Scott Perrie as Akira

Alexandra Carter as Asumi

Alec Willows as Dake
Alistair Abell as
Atsushi Kurata
Andrew Francis as Koji Saeki
Andrew Kavadas as
Andrew Toth as
Eiji Komiya
Astrid Varnes as Akiko Toya
Brent Miller as Kaoru Kishimoto
Brian Dobson as Mr. Hirose
Brian Drummond as Yun-sensei
Burkley Duffield as Kosuke Ochi
Cathy Weseluck as
Hikaru's Mother
Chantal Strand as Akari
Chris Cound as Hiroyuki Ashiwara (4-Dan)
Colin Murdock as
Frank (Holland's Representative)
Dave Pettitt as Mr. Kawai
David Kopp as Nakamura
David Radford as Kurimoto's Secretary
Don Andrews as Muranishi
Don Brown as
Kyohei Katagari
Sensei Kakimoto
Eli Gabay as Shigezo Nakamura
Elizabeth Savenkoff as Waya's Mother
Erika Lo as Su-yong Hong
Fred Keating as Ginguji
French Tickner as Honinbou Kuwabara
Hiro Kanagawa as Rinshin Li
Jim Yi as Liu
John Murphy as Shinoda
Justine Wong as
Kumiko Tsuda
Keith Miller as Kimihiro
Kelly Sheridan as
Harumi Ichikawa
Ms. Ichikawa
Kirby Morrow as Ito
Kristian Ayre as Shinichiro Isumi
Kyle Tejpar as Hitoshi Koike
Lila Atherley as Convenience Store Cashier (ep 23)
Marcy Goldberg as Morishita's Wife
Maryke Hendrikse as Mitani's Sister
Matt Smith as Kojima
Matthew Erickson as Yoshitaka Waya
Michael Adamthwaite as
Ryo Iijima
Michael Coleman as Mitsuru Mashiba
Michael Dobson as Mr. Shu
Michael Donovan as
Toshiro Tsubaki
Miguelito Andaluz as Yang-Hai
Nathan Tipple as Fuku
Paul Dobson as Toya Meijin
Pauline Newstone as Mrs. Fukawa
Peter New as Tetsuo's Father
Rebecca Shoichet as
Yori Hidaka
Reece Thompson as Kumara
Richard Newman as
Shosuke Kurimoto
Robert O. Smith as Tsuchiya
Ross Douglas as Gokiso
Scott Logie as Toshinori Honda
Scott McNeil as
Ted Cole as Michio Shirakawa
Tony Sampson as
Trevor Devall as
America's Representative
Kosuke's Grandfather
Toshiki Adachi
Ward Perry as Mr. Akota

English companies
ADR Production: The Ocean Group
Animax Asia (Hong Kong)
DVD Production: Video Arts, Inc.
Internet Streaming:
Toonami Jetstream
Licensed by: Viz Media
Recording Studio: Westwood Studios
Translation: JN Productions
Video Post Production: Video Arts, Inc.
Korean staff
Korean cast
Hyeon-Jin Lee as Akira Touya
Ja-Hyeong Gu as Sai
Jeong-Hwa Yang as Hikaru Shindou

Yong-Sin Lee as Akari Fujisaki
Korean companies
Distributor: SS Animent
French staff
French cast
Adaptation: Vanessa Bertran
Theme Song Lyrics: Valérie Uzan
Theme Song Performance: Antoine Blanc
Fabien Briche as Hikaru Shindô
François Creton as Akira Tôya
Pascal Germain as Sai Fujiwara

Aurélien Ringelheim as Yuuki Mitani
Benjamin Pascal as Kimihiro Tsutsui
Jessica Barrier as Akari Fujisaki
Pascal Novak as Seiji Ogata
Pascal Nowak as Seiji Ogata
Patrick Bethune as Kôyô Tôya

Adeline Moreau as Hidaka
Adrien Solis as Waya
Benoit Du Pac as Itô
Catherine Desplaces as Hideki Isobe
Didier Cherbuy as Tetsuo Kaga
Guylène Ouvrard as Kôsuke Ochi
Jean-François Vlerick as
Nathalie Bleynie as Harumi Ichikawa
Pascal Casanova as Dake
Stéphane Ronchewski as
Kaoru Kishimoto
Michio Shirakawa
Véronique Uzureau as Asumi Nase
Vincent De Bouard as Akamura
Yann Pichon as Kojima
French companies
Gong (from 21 December 2009)
Mangas (from 26 August 2024)
Distributor: Déclic Images
Dubbing: Studio Lincoln
Spanish staff
Spanish cast
Dubbing Director: Héctor Mena
Executive producer: Alejandra Delint

Adaptation: César Emilio Pérez
Production Assistant: David Estrella
Production Coordination: Ángel Pérez
Quality Control: Julio César Jiménez
Alejandra Delint as Sai Fujiwara
Ana Lobo as Hikaru Shindou
Rick Loera as Akira Touya

Cuauhtémoc Miranda as Shinichirou Isumi
Diego Becerril as Yuuki Mitani
Gabo Juárez as Kimihiro Tsutsui
Héctor Ireta de Alba as Kousuke Ochi
Montserrat Aguilar as Akari Fujisaki
Óscar López as Seiji Ogata

Alejandro Villeli as Honinbou Kuwabara
Azucena Martinez as Harumi Ichikawa
Danann Huicochea as Hidaka
Ditter Ruiz as Itou
Eleazar Muñoz as Kojima
Esteban Desco as Amano
Fernanda Ornelas as Kumiko Tsuda
Gerardo Ortega as Ryo Iijima
Héctor Mena as Kishimoto
Irene Ponce as Nase
Ivan Garcia as Yoshitaka Waya
Javi Sanchez as Shirakawa
Jesús Cortés as Shinoda
Lidia Mares as Teacher
Luis Navarro as Toshinori Honda
Mario Heras as Mashiba
Mayra Cabrera as Okumura
Monserrat Pérez as Yuuki (Yukari Umezawa's Go Go Igo segments)
Noriko Takaya as Yukari Umezawa (Yukari Umezawa's Go Go Igo segments)
Omar Sánchez as Natsume
Omar Trevel as Nakai
Paco Valdovinos as Dake
Ricardo Rocha as Shigeo Morishita
Ruben Moya as Ochi's Grandfather
Sammir Hernández as Yuuta Fukui
Sandra Olarra as Mai (Yukari Umezawa's Go Go Igo segments)
Santos Alberto as Emperor
Sinuhe Navarrete as Kyouhei Katagiri
Susana Cohe as Mitani's Sister
Uraz Huerta as Hiroyuki Ashiwara
Victor Covarrubias as Toshio Tsubaki
Victor Delgado as Toya Meijin

Spanish companies
Internet Streaming: AnimeOnegai (Latin America)
German staff
German companies
Distributor: AnimeOnegai
German cast
Russian staff
Russian companies
Distributor: DEEP (Dentsu Entertainment Eurasia Partners)
Dubbing: DEEP Studio
Internet Streaming: Kinopoisk
Russian cast
Tagalog staff
Tagalog cast
Christian Alvear as AKIRA TOUYA
Robert Brillantes as Sai Fujiwara
Steven Bontogon as HIKARU SHINDOU

Ahlee Reyes as Asumi Nase
Angelo Crisolo as Yuuta Fukui
Christian Alvear as
Kousuke Ochi
Yuuki Mitani
Don Sanmaniego as
Seiji Ogata
Shinichirou Isumi
Ely Martin as Toshinori Honda
Gerald Narciso as Waya Yoshitaka (Zelda)
Jimmy Manato as Kouyou Touya (Master Touya)
Roxanne Manato as Akari Fujisaki

Allan Ortega as
Hiroyuki Ashiwara
Hitoshi Koike
Toshio Tsubaki
Charvie Abeletes as
Harumi Ichikawa
Mitani's Sister
Christian Alvear as
Li Peng
Suyon Hon
Don Sanmaniego as Mishio Shirakawa
Ed Belo as
Sai's Rival
Ely Martin as
Kazuo Morishita
Erika Cardeño as Kumoko Tsuda
Jenny Bituin as Shigeko Morishita
Robert Brillantes as Yun-Sensei
Roger Aquino as Kawai-san
Roxanne Manato as AKARI
Tagalog companies
Broadcaster: QTV Channel 11 (November 27, 2006)
Dubbing: ALTA Productions
Portuguese staff
Portuguese companies
Dubbing Studio: Astrolábio Studio (Brazil)
Internet Streaming: AnimeOnegai (Brazil)
Portuguese cast
Luciano Maccio as Seiji Ogata
Chinese (Taiwan) staff
Chinese (Taiwan) companies
Licensed by: Mighty Media Co., Ltd.
Chinese (Taiwan) cast

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