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The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love? (movie)

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©1984 Big West

Alternative title:
Chō Jikū Yōsai Macross: Ai, Oboete Imasu ka (Japanese)
Clash of the Bionoids
Fortaleza Macross (Portuguese)
Macross (Spanish)
Macross - Il film (Italian)
Macross in Clash Of The Bionoids
Macross, Le Film (French)
Macross: A Batalha Final (Portuguese)
Macross: Do You Remember Love?
Macross: ¿Recuerdas el amor? (Spanish)
SDF-1 Macross: Do You Remember Love?
Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love?
Super Dimensional Fortress Macross The Movie: Do You Remember Love?
Super Fortaleza Espacial Macross (Spanish)
Superdimensional Fortress Macross
Superspace Fortress Macross
超時空要塞マクロス 愛・おぼえていますか (Japanese)
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: A.D. 2009: The human race is in the middle of a three-way war with a race of giant humanoid aliens split into the Zentrans (males) and Meltlans (females). After executing a space fold that sent it and part of South Ataria Island to the edge of the Solar System, the space fortress Macross is on its way back to Earth. During a small skirmish with Zentradi forces, young pilot Hikaru Ichijyo rescues idol singer Lynn Minmay and their relationship develops as they're stranded somewhere within the ship. But shortly after returning to Macross City, Minmay is captured by the Zentradi, and Hikaru and female officer Misa Hayase end up back on Earth—only to view the aftermath of the destruction of their civilization. Only a song discovered eons ago—along with Minmay's voice—can determine the outcome of the war.
User Ratings: 783 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 244 votes (sub:197, dub:13, raw:11, ?:2, edit.dub:1, others:20
10 Spanish subtitled
5 Spanish dubbed
2 Portuguese subtitled
1 Korean subtitled
1 Russian subtitled
1 German subtitled
 Excellent: 172 votes (sub:139, dub:13, raw:3, edit.dub:2, others:15
9 Spanish subtitled
4 Spanish dubbed
1 German subtitled
1 Portuguese dubbed
 Very good: 151 votes (sub:126, dub:13, raw:4, ?:1, others:7
3 Spanish dubbed
1 French edited dub
1 Korean subtitled
1 French subtitled
1 Chinese Mandarin subtitled
 Good: 117 votes (sub:96, dub:12, raw:2, others:7
1 French dubbed
1 Spanish subtitled
1 German edited dub
1 German dubbed
1 Spanish dubbed
1 French subtitled
1 German subtitled
 Decent: 54 votes (sub:35, dub:12, raw:1, ?:1, others:5
2 Spanish dubbed
1 Spanish subtitled
1 German subtitled
1 Russian subtitled
 So-so: 27 votes (sub:19, dub:5, ?:1, raw:1, others:1
1 Russian subtitled
 Not really good: 6 votes (sub:3, dub:2, ?:1)
 Weak: 9 votes (sub:7, dub:2)
 Bad: 1 vote (dub:1)
 Awful: 1 vote (sub:1)
 Worst ever: 1 vote (dub:1)
Seen in part or in whole by 1394 users, rank: #886 (of 9899)
Median rating: Excellent
Arithmetic mean: 8.337 (Very good+), std. dev.: 1.6396, rank: #272 (of 10044)
Weighted mean: 8.247 (Very good+), rank: #315 (of 10044) (seen all: 8.26 / seen some: 6.49)
Bayesian estimate: 8.235 (Very good+), rank: #194 (of 7605)
Running time: 115 minutes
Production cost: ¥220,000,000
1988 (Brazil - VHS)
1989 (Brazil - Rede Manchete)
2000-09-06 (Latin America - Locomotion)
Premiere date:
1984-07-07 (Japan)
Release dates: We have 6
Opening Theme:
"Prologue" by Kentaroh Haneda
Ending Theme:
"天使の絵の具 Tenshi no Enogu (An Angel's Paints)" by Mari Iijima
Insert song:
"0-G LOVE" by Mari Iijima
"Ai Oboeteimasu ka" (愛・おぼえていますか) by Mari Iijima
"Cinderella" (シンデレラ) by Mari Iijima
"Silver Moon Red Moon" (シルバームーン・レッドムーン) by Mari Iijima
"Watashi no Kare wa Pilot" (私の彼はパイロット) by Mari Iijima
"Xiao Bai Long" (小白竜) by Mari Iijima
Links: We have 2
Trivia: We have 8
Released in English as "Clash of the Bionoids" (edited/90min) and "Super Space Fortress Macross" (unedited) by Best Film & Video.
News: Show:
In Memoriam (Dec 31, 2009)
NHK Launches Ani-Kuri 15 (May 1, 2007)
The Return of Robotech (Jul 22, 2006)
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    Macross: Do You Remember Love? [UK] (Sub.VHS) 1995-03-20

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Screenplay: Sukehiro Tomita
Original story: Shōji Kawamori
Character Design: Haruhiko Mikimoto
Art Director: Mitsuharu Miyamae
Sound Director: Noriyoshi Matsuura
Director of Photography: Kazunori Hashimoto
Assistant Art Director:
Hiroaki Satō
Osamu Honda
Music Director: Yasunori Honda
Sound Effects: Akihiko Matsuda
Story Supervisor: Shōji Kawamori
Theme Song Arrangement:
Mari Iijima (ED)
Nobuyuki Shimizu
Theme Song Composition:
Kazuhiko Katoh
Mari Iijima (ED)
Theme Song Lyrics:
Kazumi Yasui
Mari Iijima (ED)
Theme Song Performance: Mari Iijima (as Lynn Minmay)
Arihiro Hase as Hikaru Ichijyo
Mari Iijima as Lynn Minmay
Mika Doi as Misa Hayase

Akira Kamiya as Roy Focker
Eiji Kanie as Vrlitwhai 7018
Eri Takeda as Milia 639
Hiromi Tsuru as Kim Kabirov
Hirotaka Suzuoki as Lynn Kaifun
Katsumi Suzuki as Hayao Kakizaki
Michio Hazama as Capt. Bruno J. Global
Noriko Ohara as Claudia La Salle
Osamu Ichikawa as Golg BoddoleZer
Run Sasaki as Vanessa Laird
Ryūsuke Ōbayashi as Exsedol 4970
Sanae Miyuki as Shammy Milliome
Shō Hayami as Max Jenius
Yoshino Ohtori as Moruk Laplamiz

Ikuya Sawaki as Senior Statesman
Jeffrey Smith as Warera 25258
Kent Gilbert as Conda 88333
Kenyū Horiuchi as TV Reporter
Nagisa Andō as Meltlan Soldier
Nobuo Tobita as Waiter
Shigeru Nakahara as Guest B
Tsutomu Fujii as Loli 28356
Yōko Ogai as Dewanton 3565
Yoshio Kawai as Guest A
Yūichi Meguro as Quamzin 03350

Japanese companies
Animation Production: Tatsunoko Production
Bandai Channel
Bandai Visual
Film Processing: Imagica
Music Production: Victor Entertainment
Production Cooperation:
Anime Friend
Top Craft
Recording Studio: AVACO Creative Studios
Sound Effects: Fizz Sound Creation
Sound Production: Arts Production
Story Concept: Studio Nue
Translation: Creative Sphere Inc. (UHD-BD release: English subs)
English cast
English staff
Elizabeth Oram as Lynn Minmay
John Culkin as Hikaru Ichijo

Barry Haigh as Roy Focker
Matthew Oram as Britai 7018
Simon Broad as
Bruno J. Global
Hayao Kakizaki
Lynn Kaihun
English companies
Distributor: Kiseki Films (UK)
Dubbing: Omni Productions
Licensed by:
Best Video (Expired)
L.A. Hero, Inc. (Sublicensed to Kiseki Films, expired)
French staff
French cast
Corinne Richardon as Misa Hayase
Laurence Saquet as Lynn Minmay
Mark Lesser as Hikaru Ichijoe

Alain Floret as Boddole Zer
Antoine Tome as Roy Fokker
Bruno Journée as
Hayoa Kakizake
Kaifun Lynn
Christian Pelissier as Breetai
Gigi Lesser as
Millia Farina
Vanessa Leeds
Loïc Baugin as Maximilian Genius
Maïté Monceau as
Claudia Grant
Sammy Porter
Malvina Germain as
Kim Young
Lap' Lamiz
Yves Fabrice Lebeau as
French companies
Distributor: Shuriken
Dubbing: Studio SOFRECI
Spanish staff
Spanish cast
Ana María Solsona as Misa Hayase (Spain dub)
Cristina Hernandez as Lynn Minmay
Jordi Pons as Hikaru Ichijou (Spain dub)
Jose Luis Reza as Hikaru Ichijou
Luisita Soler as Misa Hayase (Spain dub; several takes)
Mónica Villaseñor as Misa Hayase
Vicky Martínez as Lynn Minmay (Spain dub)

Alberto Diaz as
Exsedol 4970 (Spain dub)
Hayao Kakizaki (Spain dub)
Alejandro Illescas as Maximillian "Max" Jenius
Carlos Villafranca as Vrlitwhai 7018 (Spain dub)
Elisenda Ribas as
Moruk Lap Lamiz (Spain dub)
Vanessa Laird (Spain dub)
Jordi Pons as Lynn Kaifunn (Spain dub; last scene)
José Luis Campos as
Lynn Kaifunn (Spain dub)
Maximilian Jenius (Spain dub)
Juan Manuel Soriano as Bruno J. Coronel (Spain dub)
Love Santini as Claudia LaSalle
Luis Fenton as Roy Focker (Spain dub)
Luisita Soler as
Claudia LaSalle (Spain dub)
Kim Kabirov (Spain dub; 2nd scene)
Shammy Milliome (Spain dub)
María Espinosa as
Kim Kabirov (Spain dub; 1st scene)
Milia 639 (Spain dub)
Paco Mauri as Golg Bodolza
Santiago Cortés as Golg Boddole Zer (Spain dub)
Saul Alvar as Roy Focker
Sergio Gutierrez Coto as Lynn Kaifunn

Elisenda Ribas as Spaceship Announcer (Spain dub)
José Carlos Moreno as Title Announcer
José Luis Campos as Spaceship Announcer (Spain dub)

Carlos Villafranca (Spain dub)
José Luis Campos (Spain dub)
Miguel Rey (Spain dub)
Spanish companies
Broadcaster: Locomotion (Latin America)
Distributor: Chiqui Video (Spain)
Italian staff
Italian cast
Davide Garbolino as Hikaru Ichijo
Marina Massironi as Lynn Minmay
Roberta Gallina Laurenti as Misa Ayase

Marco Balzarotti as Maximilian Genius
Maurizio Scattorin as Britai 7018
Pietro Ubaldi as Cap. Grobal
Rosetta Salata as Claudia La Salle

Caterina Rochira as
Addetta al ponte di Comando Macross
Paolo Torrisi as Kazikaki
Patrizia Scianca as
Amiche di Minmay
Guerriera Meltlandi
Pietro Ubaldi as Fotografo

Italian companies
Dubbing: Studio PV
Publisher: Yamato Video
German staff
German companies
OVA Films
German cast
Dutch staff
Dutch companies
Distributor: Sell Thru Video (Kiseki Films VHS Toho dub)
Licensed by:
Kiseki Films (sublicense via L.A. Hero, expired)
L.A. Hero, Inc. (expired)
Dutch cast
Portuguese staff
Portuguese cast
Executive producer: Nelson Sato (Sato Company)

Commentary: Carlos Alberto Amaral (Álamo)
Screen Inserts: Júlio Franco
Eduardo Camarão as Hikaru Ichijou (Álamo)
Lúcia Helena as Lynn Minmay (Álamo)
Márcia Regina as Lynn Minmey (Mastersound)
Sandra Mara as Misa Hayase (Mastersound)
Sérgio Rufino as Hikaro Ichijo (Mastersound)
Zodja Pereira as Misa Hayase (Álamo)

Aldo César as Britai 7018 (Álamo)
Cecília Lemes as Kim Kabirov (Mastersound)
Dado Monteiro as Hayao Kakizaki (Mastersound)
Daoiz Cabezudo as Golg Boddoole Zer (Mastersound)
Denise Reis as Vanessa Laird (Mastersound)
Fátima Noya as Shammy Milliome (Mastersound)
Figueira Júnior as Hayao Kakizaki (Álamo)
Francisco Brêtas as Roy Focker (Mastersound)
Fritz Gianvito as Maximilian Jenius (Mastersound)
Gilberto Baroli as Capitão Bruno J. Global (Mastersound)
Isabel de Sá as Claudia LaSalle (Mastersound)
Letícia Quinto as Kim Kabirov (Álamo)
Luiz Antônio Lobue as
Golg Boddoole Zer (Álamo)
Roy Focker (Álamo)
Maralise Tartarine as Claudia LaSalle (Álamo) 
Marcelo Pissardini as Exsedol 4970 (Mastersound)
Mauro Eduardo as Lynn Kaifun (Álamo)
Maximira Figueiredo as Milia 639 (Álamo)
Nair Silva as Claudia LaSalle (Álamo)
Sérgio Corsetti as Lynn Kaifun (Mastersound)
Wellington Lima as Britai 7018 (Mastersound)

Márcia Regina as Márcia Regina as Lynn Mimmey

Carlos Eduardo (Mastersound)
Carlos Seidl (Álamo)
Celso Alves (Mastersound)
Christina Rodrigues (Mastersound)
Daoiz Cabezudo (Mastersound)
Elcio Sodré (Mastersound)
Emerson Caperbat (Mastersound)
Eudes Carvalho (Mastersound)
Ezio Ramos (Álamo)
Fábio Moura (Mastersound)
Nair Silva (Álamo)
Ricardo Nóvoa (Álamo)
Rosana Garcia (Álamo)
Suzy Pereira (Mastersound)
Telma Lúcia (Álamo)
Walter Cruz (Mastersound)
Portuguese companies
Rede Manchete (Brazil)
Distributor: Sato Company (VHS)
Dubbing Studio:
Álamo (Rede Manchete dubbing)
Master Sound (VHS/Locomotion dubbing)
Swedish staff
Swedish cast
Swedish companies

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